Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Well, my blogging goals have been blown to bits...

It appears it may be more difficult than I originally thought to keep up this blog on a daily basis. My goals have changed -- now, I just want to keep up the blog throughout the year, without specifying a certain amount of blogs.

Something that has been on my mind lately is the idea of "intentional time." My friend Steve told me about this phrase and how he seeks out intentional time with various people in his life (via emails, texting, facebooking, getting together for coffee, etc.). Instead of leaving communication to chance, he actively pursues these relationships that he wants to maintain primarily through short "check-ins" (i.e. text that says "hey how u doing?"). That way, he stays connected to people. This is a lesson that I'm trying to put in place in my own life -- maintaining connections with important people in my life (which I've historically been terrible at :) ).


  1. I think this is great. I guess one of the things that was so great about college was that you have this institution that is bringing like minded peers together from all over the place. Little do your realize that as soon as its over, most of these amazing you've met are going to go back from hence they came. Seems now that all of my best friends now live all over california or the states. It can be quite a challenge to keep up those relationships. My wife and I have talked about this alot. Usually I try and get some good talking in with these people about once every 3 months or so.

  2. Hey- how are you guys doing by the way? Miss you both- and of course, the doggles!

  3. Hi Zephan! Wow, imagine my surprise when I saw I had another follower :) Great to hear from you. I agree, between work and marriage, you find you have less and less time to maintain friendships and it's amazing how quickly the months go by. How's your little girl doing?

    Hi Ellen - we're doing great! Kristin just had a really fun art show last night at a fancy hotel in Pismo Beach. She sure has been pumping out the art, especially with her new Julie & Julia idea :) I'm not sure if Kristin told you this story, but one of her friends' kid now calls dogs "doggles" :) And I'm pretty sure that was your doing!
